Sunday, March 8, 2015

4 Things Introverts Hate

Introverts are a rare and strange group. They're so rare, some studies show that only half of the people in the world are introverts. In an attempt to make sure you don't disturb this unique creature, here are 4 things that introverts really don't like. Hint: Reading isn't on the list. We introverts love to read.

1. Stalkers

Introverts really need their space, so when you follow them around for seemingly no reason, they just get exhausted from having to perform for you constantly. We just want to unwind in bed with a book and nobody looking through the window from across the street.

2. Being Kidnapped

What's the one way to make sure an introvert doesn't get ANY alone time? Kidnap them. If there are other prisoners in the basement, it's even worse. Not only do we have to know that our kidnapper is in the house and we're never really alone, but we also have to sit through the company of another kidnapping victim. Give me a book over a kidnapping any day, I say!

3. Strangers Letting Themselves Into The House

You're curled up in bed reading an okay book, feeling pretty okay, and you hear the door open. Someone just walked in, uninvited! Ugh. Now you have to get out of bed and go ask the person why they broke into your house and/or call the police. But if you call the police, you'll have to talk to them, too! What a terrible situation. It's communication you wouldn't have had to suffer through otherwise. Intruders are the worst!

4. Being Murdered

Social interaction is exhausting to an introvert. While being murdered, one must cram numerous attempts at social interaction into a tiny time frame. Your hopeless screaming for ANYONE to hear is just not in your nature. You're normally quiet and you keep to yourself, and now you have to try to be heard. It's not like you. The only time you want to be heard is when you're telling someone what an introvert you are and how much you like to read.. Anyway, leave us introverts alone.

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