Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Paper or Plastic? Hero Shopper Allows Bagger To Decide

The day started off like any other for Florida man James Richards. Little did he know that by the end of it, he would be a hero in his home town.

James Richards, 26, goes to the grocery store every Wednesday after work. "Yeah I go there every Wednesday after work", said Richards when asked about it. This Wednesday, his trip was a little bit different. "This Wednesday, my trip was a little bit different", says Richards.

"I just wanted to do something nice...give back to the community a little, you know? Those guys don't get the recognition they deserve, and I knew it would just make his day."

The much deserved but somehow still-not-yet-awarded-to-Richards Nobel Peace Prize

"So I get up to the register, practically shaking because I'm so excited, and I wait for it. He forgets to ask and just starts putting my groceries in plastic bags, so I kind of give him a look to show him that I wanted him to ask me what kind of bag I wanted. Then he was like 'Oh, did you want paper?', and I said 'No, man, you do whichever one you want today.'"

"The look on his face was priceless. He was so confused, like no one had ever been that nice to him before. I'll remember it for the rest of my life."

 We caught up with the bagger to get his perspective on the story.

"Oh, yeah I remember him. That was weird."

Heartwarming? We thought so!

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